Lendersa delivers good hard money leads that are vital for the prosperity of every hard money lender. The leads are fresh, high-quality, 100% matching, and 100% guaranteed, which means if you don't close the transaction, you do not need to pay a dime!
Good hard money leads are lifesavers for all lenders and especially for lenders who have investors' money ready to lend and need to place those funds fast. Regardless of the lenders' marketing budget or the length of time they are in business, mortgage leads are the bloodline to every broker and lender. And for wholesale lenders, Lendersa provides connections to hard money brokers and real estate agents close transactions.
You get the lead the instant the borrower completed the loan request. Speed of delivery is essential for all mortgage leads, and it is ten times more important when it comes to hard money leads. Borrowers seeking private loans are often under time pressure. Hard money borrowers are willing to pay high interest and high points as long as they get their financing done expeditiously. The private lender who reacts the instant he receives the request has a better chance of getting the loan than somebody who responds days later.
At Lendersa, we deliver the leads to you by email and by text to make sure you can reply immediately. You could also see the leads live on the Lendersa lead map.
To avoid wasting time dealing with loans that you can't deliver, Lendersa filters the lead to your exact specification.
E.g., When you ask for leads under 60% LTV, you shall get only leads under 60% LTV.
E.g., When you ask for the loan amount to be at least $200,000 and not higher than $900,000, you will get only leads between 200,000 to $900,000.
E.g., If you specify a credit score of a minimum of 620, FICO, you will get only borrowers with credit of 620 FICO or more.
Get more information on Lendersa® lead generation FAQ
Your Loan Input Program (LIP) is acting as a dual lead filter. You will receive only leads that are matching your loan programs. The double filter filters two things:
A. The qualification requirements for the loan
B. The borrowers' expectations for rate&terms.
In the filters graph, the green balls
represent the good leads (Good leads = leads that are matching your loan programs' matrix and Rate and terms, precisely.) Lendersa® filters out all the loan requests that don't exactly match your loan program.
The borrower's request and your loan programs must match:
As a result of Lendersa® precise matching between your loan programs and the borrowers' loan requests, you get highly qualified leads. Each lead must pass the qualification test of your program's matrix and match the pricing you offer with the borrower's expectations.
To make it easy for the lenders to manage the leads, we built a lender's dashboard from where you can follow up on all your pipeline and control each loan, not to miss any opportunity. You will receive notices on each lead the second it is generated. In addition to email, you could get the lead texted to your phone to start a conversation with the borrower.
If you don't close the loan, you don't pay for the lead. Lendersa guarantee is simple if you close the loan, you pay for the lead, and if you do not close the loan, you don't pay for the lead. The lead price is a tiny fraction of your commission, and it depends on the loan size and other factors. To find out about our hard money leads or our mortgage leads, log into your account or register as a lender now. Registration is Free. You must have a real estate license or other licenses that enable you to arrange loans in one or several States.
Lendersa membership is FREE. The high quality of mortgage leads is guaranteed, and there are additional benefits for becoming a member: